
Hello everyone, I am Jovani Furlan and it’s very nice to e-meet you!

The inspiration for creating “Furlan Dancewear” was ignited by my father, then the desire to make a difference came along. To me, it would not make sense to make a brand without investing in the future of the next generation of male dancers from my country, Brazil.

In my life as a dancer, I’ve always had the support of a lot of people, starting with my first supporter, my grandma Rosemari Crisanto, then my parents and sisters and uncountable others who gave me emotional and also, financial support. 

My career was only possible because of a scholarship with the Bolshoi School in Brazil, followed by a scholarship with the Miami City Ballet School.

I am now a Principal with the New York City Ballet, which took a lot of hard work, but none of that work would've been enough if there weren’t opportunities.

All of us are grateful to something or someone for helping us achieve our full potential, and “Furlan Dancewear” is another way that I’ve found to express this gratitude. I am proud to set aside part of our liquid profits to support boys who dream of making a career in dance.

To me, that’s a dream come true! I get to share my passion for fashion and style in the studio, by creating pieces that make people look and feel good, while also helping dancers who dream of being professionals. That’s my mission here.


At Furlan Dancewear, we believe in the future of ballet.


Jovani Furlan, Founder and Creator of “Furlan Dancewear”